Volunteer Today!

Want to be a fireman? Come see us.

Want to volunteer but don’t want to be a firefighter? Come see us.

It should come as no surprise that those who are willing to run into a burning building and take hundreds of hours of emergency and firefighter training are typically not the same people who want to apply for grants, document procedures, update the website, plan events, or keep the station clean. Currently, those who wake up at two in the morning to respond to emergencies are the same people who do all the administrative and custodial tasks. If you don’t want to run into a burning building or devote hundreds of hours to emergency training, you could help us out by volunteering to do any of the following:

Grant Writing
Grant Implementation Management
Vehicle Maintenance
Website Maintenance
Facebook Moderator
Procedures Documentation
Once-a-week Station Cleaning

Or come to us with your skillset or interest and let’s see where you can help.

Please consider volunteering!